Horarium (Times of Prayer)

You are welcome to join our Benedictine Abbey Community at the following times and to pray privately in the Abbey Church at any times between Vigils and Compline. 

Sometimes we need to change these times. It is wise to phone us on 02 4236 0011 to check or see the section below “Changes to the horarium.”

Time Liturgy
5 am Vigils – (6 am on Mondays)
7.30am Lauds
9.00am Eucharist – (9.30 am on Thursdays)
1.00pm Middle Hour
5.00pm Vespers
7.00pm Compline*


*Compline Compline is private to the community during the week but guests are welcome to join us on the weekends.
Thursday Thursday is the community’s day of rest. The only Liturgies held in the Abbey Church are Lauds/Communion at 9.30 am and Vespers at 5pm. The Church remains open throughout the day.
Desert Day On the first Sunday of every month Middle Hour is not prayed in the Church. The Church remains open throughout the day.


Changes to the horarium

Please see the horarium during Christmas and New Year period here.