Abbey Retreat Programs



Walking with Jesus
(Day Retreat) 17 Feb 2024
The Easter story culminates in the joy of Resurrection on Easter Sunday morning. Our Lenten retreat day invites you to reflect on how we will walk the Lenten journey, so that we are able to enter into the promise and joy of Easter morning. (Registration & More details…)
Borrowing Tomorrow
(Online) 18 Feb – 24 Mar 2024
The world is in crisis. It is critical that we take stock. Something new is happening and we need to be prepared. To assist in this preparation it is helpful to look within our own heart first of all and to clear away all that inhibits our capacity to trust, to change and to act. (Registration & More details…)
Praying with the Mystics
(Cottages) 23-25 Feb 2024
In the framework of Centering Prayer, this weekend retreat will pray with the mystics who teach us that it is when we return within that God is met. (Registration & More details…)


Praying with the Aramaic Jesus
(Cottages) 28-30 Jun 2024
In the framework of Centering Prayer and Lectio Divina, this weekend retreat will explore, contemplate and pray with the Jesus who was Jewish, spoke Aramaic and was formed in a Middle Eastern culture. (Registration & More details…)


I Give You My Word: Encountering God in Lectio Divina
(Cottages) 27-29 Sep 2024
A weekend retreat focusing on the process of lectio divina by engaging participants in the ancient art of reading/praying with the Word of God in Scripture. (Registration & More details…)


Benedictine Values and Ecology
(Day Retreat) 5 Oct 2024
This day retreat invites us to listen to Mother Earth and the wisdom in the Rule of St Benedict that provide a fertile soil for an integral ecology of our time. (Registration & More details…)


Praying with Julian of Norwich
(Day Retreat) 2 Nov 2024
This day retreat explores the world and prayer of Julian of Norwich, the 14th century mystic whose life and times speak so much to our own. We will contemplate some of Julians’ Revelations and through meditation, pray them into our heart and being.(Registration & More details…)
Reclaiming Humility: Living life to the full
(Cottages) 22-24 Nov 2024
This weekend retreat explores the question: what is humility?  It is not an action or a habit – but an habitual quality which manifests in being and flavours behaviour (RB Ch 7). (Registration & More details…)


A Day Retreat for Advent – Hope
(Day Retreat) 7 Dec 2024
This day retreat explores how the hope of the coming of the Lord continues to sing in the deepest places of our soul. What tune does hope sing for you? (Registration & More details…)


Thank you.