Reflections from some of the nuns

September 12, 2015

Seven Times a Day

When I first entered the monastery one of the sisters gifted me with a beautiful and very meaningful image to illustrate the horarium here at the Abbey and to share some of its significance and meaning with me.

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September 12, 2015

Letting Go

I have been pondering the spiritual practice of letting go. The simple action of walking demonstrates succinctly what is necessary.

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October 10, 2015

Grace – The Divine Milieu

Words are such wonderful, amazing, confusing, illuminating and mysterious things... and they can be very tricky too. We can lose their rich meanings and...

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March 12, 2016

The Monastery of our Hearts

In the rubble of your resentments, grudges and hostilities there is a small box hidden in the corner of your heart covered with dust and debris.

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March 6, 2017

Blue Sapphire Gallery at the Abbey

Transitions can be understood in many ways: as space, ie. going from place to place, moving house, changing your job, travelling. ...

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September 26, 2015

You Breathe On Us

From time to time we have a visitor to the Abbey Farm garden and often I am asked about how self sufficient the garden is. I guess the bottom line is that the garden falls short of this in a big way.

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June 15, 2015

No one grows by someone else forcing them to grow…

I planted this olive tree in 2000 when I started to transform my bit of paddock into a beautiful, organic garden. Sometimes I feel as if it watches over all the growing. It reminds me to wait patiently and that all things take time to grow.

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August 12, 2013

Let everything that Loves and Breathes…

Well today I open the pages for you to read into what is so much part of my life here at the Abbey. I want to share with you about the life on the “Farm”.

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November 28, 2015

Your Deeds O Lord Have Made Me Glad

This week I bring to you a treat. Yuijn has been happy snapping in the Vegie Patch and so I bring to you some of her photos.

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August 15, 2013

God be Gracious and Bless Us…

This week I would like to take you up into our rainforest to see both its beauty and challenges. The Jamberoo Abbey site is in a conservation management Echidnat zone within the Kiama Municipal Area.

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