What’s The Buzz?

November 11, 2019
Abbey Bee Hive Project News
The news is good! Lots have happened. Recently I purchased some manuka and jelly bush tea tree and heath banksia seedlings from Wariapendi Nursery and planted them with the help of Peter Larkin on the apiary site. ...

October 21, 2016
New Hives at The Apiary
“It doesn’t take much to fall in love with your bees. They have such a beautiful nature.” Adrian Iodice – Earth Garden Magazine No 176

February 23, 2017
Native Species of Bees at the Abbey
I’ve noticed that every morning my little garden is visited by one or two blue banded bees, (one of our native species). I’ve seen these blue banded bees visiting the lemon balm and the lavender.

July 29, 2017
Bee Wisdom
Wisdom – omnipotent moving- embracing this world, informing everything that is and everything that has life in one unending circle.

August 8, 2015
The Beehive Project
Here at The Benedictine Abbey, Jamberoo, we are beginning a new project, and we are inviting you to join us.

April 20, 2015
Queen Hildegard & her Bees
Just after Ash Wednesday, we began Bee-keeping at the Abbey.

July 2, 2016
Wintering Bees
You might think that the bees are sleeping through winter. Well, I think not!

March 5, 2016
Song of The Bees
After the bees come home from foraging, they spend their time fanning their wings to create air-flow in the hive.

February 29, 2016
Abbey’s First Honey Bar
Today is an unstructured day but there was great activity in the kitchen and an air of expectation and excitement was evident as ...

January 2, 2016
In God’s Good Time
There is a season for everything under heaven. Right now it's bee season, and here at the Abbey we have just experienced an amazing sequence of events.