Reflections from Sr Antonia

November 5, 2016

The Wings of The Dawn

"The wings of the dawn" is the phrase that captivated my attention during Vigils this morning. What does it mean to take the wings of the dawn? What are the wings of the dawn and how do I take them? Am I even meant to take them; or would it not perhaps be better to leave them where they seem to be... at the edge of the magnificent sunrise!

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November 13, 2017


There was a difficulty and it seemed insurmountable. Usually a difficulty cannot be resolved by going around it to avoid it and, in this situation, I could not even consider avoidance as a possibility.

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December 6, 2016

The Magnificent Seven

No, they did not appear as heroes galloping into town on their horses in all their macho magnificence! Rather, they seemed to just suddenly be there… seven, silent ethereal figures emerging from the fog that wrapped us round as we gathered for Eucharist.

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February 21, 2017


The Pearl of Great Price, a painting by Daniel Bonnell He was six years old and deadly serious as he approached me in the classroom where I taught grade one. Lifting up his hands as he clutched whatever it was he was holding he said: “Could you open this”?

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September 22, 2017

A Severe Mercy

The words compelled me to take the book from the shelf in the library and at least browse through its pages. I didn’t really want to. These words sounded so harsh, so cruel almost. What convinced me to look nevertheless was the name CS Lewis at the bottom of the front cover.

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October 5, 2017


I am sitting in the sun under a clear blue sky watching a white capped ocean deliver its foam to the waiting sand. And I am thinking about mud! I am remembering a time when I felt as though I was ploughing through mud and… getting precisely nowhere.

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August 15, 2015

The Giving Tree

It seems to have been calling me for almost three weeks now, the camellia outside our refectory. My eyes have been drawn to it each time I pass by on my way to the Church for the Divine Office and...

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August 15, 2015

The Kingfisher

A reasonably large cardboard box appeared on the verandah of our craft department one day, a towel draped over the top. What was it I wondered?

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August 15, 2015

The Web

Something happened the other day and, fleeting though this moment was, its legacy has plumbed some rather deep places within my heart, leaving a rather sobering, yet not unfamiliar, paradox hovering in its wake.

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August 15, 2015

Desire Lines

I first heard of desire lines years ago from my brother-in-law who is a Town Planner by profession.

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