The Beehive Project

August 8, 2015 | What's The Buzz?


“We need to slow down and look at reality in a different way, to appropriate the positive and sustainable progress which has been made”

– Pope Francis, Laudato Si –

bee projectHere at The Benedictine Abbey Jamberoo we are beginning a new project and we are inviting you to join us.

With the guidance of beekeeper Adrian Iodice from Beekeeping Naturally, we are establishing an apiary to care for our amazing Aussie bees, supply beeswax to our candle making in Abbey Candles and sell Rainforest Honey. We will be using Kenyan Top Bar Hives, built by the Illawarra Woodworkers Group.

Our Beehive Project is seeking sponsorship to enable the hives to be built and bee colonies established. Here’s where you can join us in this exciting project and help our Aussie bees:

Become a Beehive Sponsor for $300 and share in the joy of supporting these beautiful, hard working and inspiring creatures who give us 80% of our food supply. Your donation will enable the construction of a beehive and help to establish a colony of bees and the care of the hive.

As a beehive sponsor:

  • You are invited to name the queen bee of your sponsored hive. You may choose to gift this sponsorship in memory of someone you love.
  • You will receive a jar of Abbey rainforest honey at harvest time each year.
  • You will be able to follow your sponsored hive’s progress on our Abbey website and watch this project unfold.

If this sounds exciting to you and you would like to become a Beehive Sponsor, click here for details.

Thank you very much for considering to be part of this project.  Keep an eye out for updates on this webpage over the coming weeks.

If you are interested in reading more about beekeeper Adrian Iodice and the Kenyan Top Bar Hive, go to: