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Red Wedding Roses

Red Wedding Roses

$ 90.00$ 180.00

Hand painted red roses

Design: Cross, Oval or Photo

Colour: White or Ivory

Set or Single candle only


    If you have a suggestion of a variant for the flower colour, let us know and we will take it into consideration.

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SKU: CDL-WEDRR Category:

Product Description

Hand painted red roses on a white or ivory candle

Design: Cross, Oval or Photo

Additional Information

Weight kg
Set Option

Single candle, Family Set

Candle Colour

White, Ivory

~  Everything that lives and that breathes gives praise to the Lord  ~

Jamberoo Abbey

Jamberoo Abbey, Benedictine Nuns
695 Jamberoo Mountain Road,
Jamberoo NSW 2533 Australia

Phone/Fax: 02 42360628