Product Description
In this graceful, inspirational look at humility through nearly 1,500-year-old words of Saint Benedict, Michael Casey lifts the veil on this often-misunderstood concept to get to the heart of what humility is really about — a sure path to happiness in the spirit of Christ.
Drawing upon Chapter 7 of the Rule of Saint Benedict, these practical reflections show how the first approach to understanding humility is to view it as the total self-acceptance of our humanity. Those who are humble experience no shame. They do not need lies or evasions to bolster their self-worth.
Casey brings the ancient wisdom of Saint Benedict into the modern arena of success-oriented competition. He demonstrates how people must overcome the tendency to regard others as rivals so they may be content working with what they have, and waste no time envying those who possess different qualities. The humble are equally content with both the gifts and limitations that come from who they are.
A Guide to Living in the Truth shows us how humility brings with it a fundamental happiness that is able to cope with difficulties and sorrows.
Michael Casey is a monk of Tarrawarra Abbey in Australia. He is a well-known retreat master and lecturer on monastic spirituality. He holds a doctorate from Melbourne College of Divinity in the area of the life and writings of Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Casey is the author of Fully Human, Fully Divine: An Interactive Christology; Toward God: The Ancient Wisdom of Western Prayer; and Sacred Reading: The Ancient Art of Lectio Divina.