I Give You My Word: Encountering God in Lectio Divina

September 27, 2024 | Retreats

Lectio divina is sacred reading.  It is a way or prayer whereby we allow the Word of God to touch our hearts and change our lives. It is a dialogue of love between the person and God as heart speaks to heart through the Word. This weekend retreat focusses on the process of lectio divina by engaging participants in the ancient art of reading/praying with the word of God in scripture.

Click on the image below to download the brochure.


Sr Hildegard Ryan osb and Sr Antonia Curtis osb

Date Time

27 – 29 September 2024

Arrival: Friday, 27 September between 3pm and 4pm

Departure: The retreat ends on Sunday, 29 September with Middle Hour at 1 pm. There is the option of staying on for private reflection on Sunday afternoon and evening, at no extra cost.  Rooms must be vacated and keys returned by 9 am on Monday, 30 September.

Retreat Cost

A $150 guided retreat payment is asked in addition to the accommodation cost. Pensioner discount or other reductions according to need are available.


Book and pay for this retreat by ringing 02 4236 0011 Extension 114  or email cottageretreats@jamberooabbey.org.au

A full retreat program will be made available to you when you book for this retreat.


See all retreats for 2024